Atwells Avenue Bridge
This traditional Design Bid Build project consisted of multiple phases and traffic shifts. This $3 million project was advertised for construction in May 2014 and Rocchio was named the low bidder. As part of the 90% design submission, RIDOT asked Turino to develop a 4D schedule that facilitated the Contractor’s schedule and helped to identify missing components, ensuring that all the necessary work for the project was sequenced. The end result included project enhancements with an estimated savings of over 10x the cost of services, with shortened construction duration and fewer construction phases.
The reconstruction of the 44x39 ft. vehicular bridge and two pedestrian bridges included extensive and intricate underground utility coordination, as well as historical stone masonry repair and historical truss rehabilitation. Although there were complete road closures and extensive detours during the bridge’s reconstruction, pedestrians were still able to access the bridge through an accessible sidewalk.
Our baseline 4D schedule helped RIDOT identify and sequence all necessary work for the bridge. Turino monitored the project utilizing their 4D model until completion of the project..