Keeney Quad Renovations
The $10 million Keeney Quad Renovation took place over the course of two summer sessions and was timed and delivered flawlessly, enhancing life for first year residents of Brown’s primary residence hall. Turino Group provided the preconstruction Baseline Schedule reviews and bi-weekly construction schedule progress and performance reviews, analysis, and evaluation reports. We monitored the project weekly and guided the exterior and interior renovations including: bathroom renovations, handicap accessibility, upgraded life and safety systems, 2 new elevators, and 3 magnet lounges on the top floors, as well as the landscaping and groundwork.
Since this project was of such a large scale, we emphasized the importance and timely nature of the close-out process well in advance, creating a smooth and seasonable finish. In addition, Turino participated in Owner/Contractor monthly requisition reviews and bi-weekly progress status/issues meetings to successfully complete this residence hall on schedule.